Saturday, June 23, 2018

Headed to Pamplona


La parada

Yet another beautiful walk out of Zubiri. For whatever reason (I bet I know the reason... 3 long days of walking) I was just out of juice today. Sluggish sluggish sluggish. It doesn’t help that I had to pee so so bad, and we passed a little town where I was SURE I’d be able to go, only to realize there was NOTHING. And it’s a special kind of torture to think you’ve reached a toilet and you just plain haven’t. Alas, my first use of nature’s potty. And on we walked. Until we arrived (after what felt like a looooooong time) at the most precious cafe for a tortilla y cafe con leche break. And I have a new lease on life. 

5:04pm, Sunday the 24th

Hotel Maissonave

Whew! I’m a day late posting the second half of our journey from yesterday because I was DONE. So tired. We arrived in Pamplona about 24 hours ago. Checked into our AWESOME hotel, showered, and got a delicious dinner at Casino Enslava, right in the heart of the city. We shared the patatas bravas, ensalada casino (that white majesty you see on top of the salad is GRILLED GOAT CHEESE), and tostadas de tomate y queso. Holy moly. Everything was spectacular, and we left real happy. Of course we capped off the evening with some incredible gelato, and headed back to the hotel to crash. This is the perfect place to spend a full rest day, and I’m so looking forward to it. 

For whatever reason, the trip between Zubiri and Pamplona really did me in. Maybe it’s because I knew we had a rest day coming, and it was like anticipating a finish line. No matter the reason, I was SO ready to get here. Once again, I’m so proud of my body. I am pushing the limits beyond anything I’ve done before, and it’s amazing to realize what I’m capable of. 

And now, to REST.

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