Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Villamayor de Monjardín

Today was lovely.

We decided before we went to bed last night that we would make today a shorter day, after our grueling trek yesterday in the heat. We got up early enough to catch the tail end of a beautiful sunrise, and mozied our way into Estella for a delicious breakfast of tortilla y cafe con leche. Becoming a classic around here. A couple Camino friends happened to be in the same cafe (typical), so we chatted with them and then hit the old dusty trail once again. Highlights of the journey include the famous wine fountain - YEP YOU READ THAT RIGHT - passing deer and frogs and horses oh my, and the freedom to take our sweet time at lunch (when I enjoyed french fries with my sandwich and an ice cream bar to top it off because DUH I’ve earned it).

When we arrived at our destination for the night around 1:30, we learned they don’t open until 3. No worries, it was the perfect time to take off my shoes and socks and slip into my sandals and walk down the street to a little market for water and Aquarius. DO YOU KNOW WHAT AQUARIUS IS?? Because I didn’t before this trip and I’m now obsessed. It’s some sort of electrolyte drink that tastes SO good in the middle of a walk, let me tell ya.

We waited on the delightful patio with fellow pilgrims until they opened, received our room assignment (originally a bunk room until we realized it was only 10€ extra for a private room with two beds AND a practically private balcony... yes please), and I took a nap. We were then treated to the most incredible meal yet, pasta with fresh veggies and an incredible coconut milk sauce. Just perfect.

I sat up on the balcony and talked to my sweet sis for a little bit, and then joined in for the most beautiful meditation time in the most beautiful room in this most beautiful 400-year-old building. It was so peaceful and relaxing and lovely and safe and free and supportive and uplifting. There are some truly remarkable people on this journey, and we didn’t arrive in this place today by accident. Once again, all I can say is I am so, so thankful.

Tomorrow is a new and potentially longer day, and something tells me it will bring with it new life and lessons.

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