Friday, July 27, 2018


Albergue A Lúa do Camiño

It’s getting real real REAL that we only have two more Camino days. I just can’t believe it. I think this realization contributed to how much I appreciated our walk today. Well, that... and the fact that it never got above 70 degrees. HALLELUJAH. In fact, the morning started out misty enough for us to put on our pack covers. It felt so good. And it was just so beautiful. Mossy trees and so many variations of green, as far as the eye can see. A real-life Fern Gully. 

We stopped for lunch at a tiny little place in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and what do you know, they had an amazing veggie burger. Such a great stop, and then it was back to the beautiful trail for the afternoon. 

We arrived at our BEAUTIFUL albergue around 4pm, a perfectly reasonable hour with lots of time for laundry and showering and settling and pizza dinner-ing. There’s a gorgeous pool, and a lovely living room area. We’re the only ones utilizing it, and I can’t believe how comforting it feels to sit on a couch. I haven’t relaxed on a couch in nearly 6 weeks and I didn’t realize how much I miss the comfort of a living room until I walked in.

(oh and this is the Roomba of lawn mowers)

Here we sit, chatting occasionally, just enjoying soaking up some quiet rest time. Soon we’ll go to bed, and prepare for our second-to-last day of walking. I don’t know how it’s possible. My body is SO ready to be done. When I stand up after even a one-minute rest somewhere, I walk like I’m 187 years old for several steps before I settle into all the aches. 

My mind and soul are ready for the rest too, but I anticipate a rough transition out of this life. The “real world” feels so far away. Another life. At the same time, I still hold it so close, missing my home and family and friends and job. 

I’m so ready to get back and hug my mom, and sister, and soon-to-be brother, and nephews, and all those I hold dear. But I will always ALWAYS hold this place in a most sacred space of my heart. 

A space I can and will take with me every day, forever.