Thursday, June 14, 2018

Three days.

It has been 285 days since my dad invited me to join him on the Camino. 
285 days of planning, walking, dreaming, walking, researching, and did I mention walking?
285 days to prepare for the trip of a lifetime, upon which we embark in THREE DAYS.

We are three days away from our big adventure. 3. How can this be possible?

It's hard to even pinpoint how I feel, setting off on an experience like this. I have absolutely no concept of what this trip truly entails. Yes, I've seen photos. I've read posts. I've watched movies. My own parents experienced their Camino two years ago, and I witnessed firsthand the way it changed them. In the most beautiful, unexpected ways. But I know I just can't reeeaaally know until we're there.

We were not a hiking family. Not even a little bit. Did we go on occasional walks? Sure. And life was certainly not without adventure. We camped pretty much every year of my childhood, and my parents really knew how to do a lot with a little when it came to family vacations. We learned that you don't need to live in the lap of luxury to explore, relax, and enjoy each other's company. But we were NOT a hiking family. And then one day, the Camino called. My parents were surfing Netflix and decided to watch The Way. The story of a dad's journey along the Camino as he ventures to connect with his estranged son. It's a fictional movie, but takes place along the real path. The way. El Camino de Santiago. That movie is what started it all. 

Let's just say, what started as a soft beckoning soon turned into a siren call, and they were off. For years they planned, walked, dreamed, walked, researched, and did I mention walked? And all the while, I heard the call too. I was in the midst of a big career change and hustlin' with as many odd jobs as I could get my mitts on, so it wasn't in the cards for me on their first go-around. Oh, and I wasn't invited. HA! But on my birthday, September 2, 2017, 285 days ago, my siren call blared in the form of my sweet dad and his sweet invitation. And I cannot wait to share this with him.

Since that day, it's always on the back of my mind. In fact, usually on the front. 
I have this feeling that my life will come to be defined as either BC (before Camino) or after.
I know I will change. I don't know how just yet, but I can't wait to find out.

And by way of this blog, you're invited along.
Caminaras conmigo. You will walk with me.  

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