Thursday, June 28, 2018

Torres del Río 


Hostal Rural San Andres 

We got a rather slow start out of our amazing albergue this morning, a little later than perhaps we should have been, but it was a nice slow patio breakfast and chat with our hosts. The first half of the day was really nice, fairly flat and nice and breezy all morning. WAY easier walking conditions. 

Halfway through the long stretch to Los Arcos, the first town after we left, we came upon the most amazing little food truck and seating area to rest and eat. While enjoying my delicious meal of Aquarius, bocadillo, and coffee, I looked up to see a familiar face walking our way. It was Carly, from Ohio, who we met on the bus into St. Jean on the very first day of our adventure! We hadn’t seen her since we arrived that day, and it was so fun to catch up and compare notes on the first legs of our respective journeys. 

We continued on with Carly for a few more miles after our delightful stop, chatting the whole way. The time passed so quickly, and soon we were in Los Arcos, Carly’s stop for the night. We parted ways with her, rested for a bit, and stepped into a spectacular cathedral for a few moments before taking off again. 

10:45am (Friday)

Somewhere between Torres del Río and Viana

Not once but twice I tried and failed to finish this post about yesterday’s trip to TDR when my app crashed and I lost it 🙄 the long and the short of it is we enjoyed some much needed rest, I soaked my achin’ calves in the very cold and magnificent pool, and our dinner off the pilgrim’s menu was lovely. It was a great night of rest and now we’re off to Logroño!