Sunday, July 22, 2018

Las Herrarias

Casa Polin

It was a beautiful day today. We were walking on the road all day, which is never my favorite, but it was along the most beautiful river the whole way. Absolutely gorgeous. And it made the road worth it.

We came upon several Camino friends we’ve met along the way, Chong being one of them (the one who fixed my dad’s shoe), and he’s always so fun to see. This man appreciates a good nap, and one of the times we came across him he was sleeping on a bench on the side of the road. HA! Bless him for that. 

Another thing I loved about the day was the number of cute little towns we passed through. Village after village, all nestled into the hills along the river. It makes the time pass much more quickly when you have only a couple kilometers until a change of scenery. 

We arrived in the beautiful village of Las Herrarias, our home for the night, around 4:30pm. The last few kilometers were HOT today. We had opted to pull the unprecedented move of an afternoon beer before we were done walking, really risking the afternoon sleepies, and I regret nothing. An ice cold beer in a frosted mug was the perfect way to combat the elements and get us through the last couple kilometers of the day. 

One pretty big bummer is that I’ve worn holes in both thighs of my otherwise amazing shorts (raise your hand if you’ll never have thigh gap 🙋🏻‍♀️ ... you feel me on this). I mean COME ON! I realize they’re getting a lot of wear over here, but these are expensive Brooks running shorts from REI. And I don’t appreciate it. Especially when my $14 Costco “Ladies’ Travel Pants” are holding up like CHAMPS. By the way... get some of these pants. You won’t regret it. Anyway, hopefully I can stitch up the shorts well enough to make it the rest of the way. If not, Kirkland for the win. Yet again.

On the edge  of town we were greeted by the loveliest little tree, adorned with hundreds of slips of paper. It was a “dream tree,” inviting passers by to add their dreams. Yet another example of the beauty which is so valued along this pilgrimage. 

(My addition to the pilgrim’s playlist:
“Orange Sky” by Alexi Murdoch)

Our room is absolutely lovely, with that same rushing river we followed all day babbling outside the window. I look forward to falling asleep to that sound. 

We only have 7 walking days left. 
I just can’t believe it.
Right now it’s just surreal. 
I’ve gotten so used to this life. 

Wake up, get dressed, walk. 
Shower, rest, sleep. 

There’s a whole lot of meaning and magic with each of those simple steps, but the whole thing is just that.


I will be very ready to be home, and very ready to be done walking. But I’m looking forward to the ways this journey will teach me to live more simply and peacefully at home. 

So I’ll be sure to soak up these last moments of simplicity while I can. 

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