Friday, July 6, 2018

Siesta Fiesta en Burgos 

Hotel Norte y Londres

Ahhhhh, the glory of a rest day. I didn’t wake up until almost 9, which feels unheard of with the early mornings of the Camino. And it was indeed glorious. We had breakfast at a cute book-themed cafe down the street, where I almost ordered three separate solo espressos, in three separate cups, until I was able to correct myself just in time. GOSH why didn’t I work harder to learn more Spanish?? It’s ok. People have been so patient and helpful.

We wandered around a bit after that, checking out the adorable streets and visiting the post office to buy stamps, before heading to the cathedral for our official tour.


As my parents have been saying the past two years, it truly defies description. I’ll add some photos here, which definitely don’t do it justice, but will at least give you an idea.

After our incredible cathedral tour, we stepped out into the square again to find a group of Italian friends who we’d been seeing throughout the past few days, starting in Azofra, and who we really bonded with during the beautiful Grañon experience with the church singing and meditation. They have been so sweet, checking in with us whenever they see us, to offer cheek kisses and a Buen Camino. We learned their Camino ends in Burgos, and it’s sad to know we won’t see them again. But we’ll always be connected.

We then made our way into yet another beautiful little square for some spinach veggie burgers (good not great) and an after-lunch treat (frozen yogurt for mi padre, and iced coffee for me, which is a RARITY around here). We ran into our English friend Jill with whom we’ve crossed paths so many times, each time lovelier than the last. She’s a little weary today, with knee troubles and a broken phone. But her spirits haven’t been shaken. I hope we continue to see her.

Next, NAP TIME. Very important on a rest day, don’t you know. It’s a siesta fiesta after all.
And of course, who doesn’t climb up a million stairs to a castle on a rest day? That was next on the docket. It’s amazing how much my body just wants to walk now. Doesn’t feel right if we’re not. The view from the castle was more than worth the stairs. Truly remarkable. Spain just continues to melt me.

We found a nice Camino-like path for the trip back down the hill, and met up with our friend Alice once again for dinner. I can’t get enough of these Spanish tapas. Just boggles my mind. So creative and SO delicious. Tonight’s delicacies included curry cheddar potatoes (oh sweet lord), crispy kimchi artichokes, and for me a spinach, roasted vegetable, and brie sandwich. And of course a kalimotxo, my new favorite beverage (coke and red wine... TRY IT).

Dinner happens late around these parts, so at this point we were ready for bed. It was a very, very well-spent rest day. I feel refreshed and actually really looking forward to hitting the road again. These legs are ready to move. In just a few short days we’ll be HALFWAY DONE. I just can’t believe it. So much beauty and majesty already, what awaits us moving forward? There’s no way to know, and that’s my favorite part.

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